Thursday, March 27, 2008

Son of Rewarding the Republicans

Judging from a couple of responses to Rewarding the Republicans, I guess I failed to make my point. That’s what happens to the elderly when they get all pissed off. It’s hard to stay on point when you turn 52 and you know it’s getting harder and harder every spring to run those 4 miles each day.

But I digress. Boys and girls, what I was trying to say in Rewarding the Republicans was that John McCain doesn’t represent. A large number, a very large number of the Republican faithful think Ol’ Johnny is just an amnesty away from being, (shudder!) a centrist. Centrists don’t play too well to the neo-militarist or Bible thumper squads that have become major stakeholders in the GOP. When I pointed out that he has become the presumptive nominee of his party by default, I meant to distinguish that situation from that of the contenders for the Democratic Heavyweight Crown.

Yes, yes, I know that honor now seems to hang by the decision of the superdelagates, but that situation is a far cry from the one the Grand Old Party finds itself in. Whomever the Democrats nominate, the entire party will get behind for the general election. The democratic nominee that emerges, Hil or Barry, will represent almost all the party, because both candidates have nearly the same vision; that’s part of their problem. They’re having a very difficult time distinguishing themselves from each other, partly because they’ve ripped each other off for ideas and stances on issues. But you don’t hear Janine Garafalo or Keith Olberman say “If Barak gets the nomination, I’m going to vote for McCain!” (I don’t think the jack-offs that support Nader count, because they peeled off from the Democratic party 8 years ago. I still haven’t forgiven them for helping put Shrub in office, but that’s another blog.)

I wouldn’t be at all surprised if McCain is forced to choose for a running mate someone from either the Neo-Con or Religious Right wings of the GOP.

Your Pal, and Doin’ the Left Thing

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